Live Your Wildest Dreams : with Love Intelligence
The heart in you brings oxygen, grit, tenacity, love, and pure energy flowing in and out of your life. You can be rich, famous, powerful, or humble with simple ways, nothing means nothing without a heart that has focus in the right direction, and that direction has to make sense to you.
When you feel off base within your soul, everything is a mess whether you acknowledge it or not.
I am the conduit back to your inner power. The channel for refocus. I am Shanon Dawn, and I reconnect you to your Heart. When we achieve a clear map back to our Heart, we find the formula to Live Our Wildest Dreams.
Nice to meet you
I am the magic between the beautiful potential humans have and the darkness that shuts them down. Helping individuals reorient with courage to find their own language around empowerment is my specialty. No need to stay stuck in pain or procrastination, lets find the light and make it brighter. I have studied the human potential, certified in emotional trauma, learned all about mood perception, timeline methodology, intervention techniques and relationship strength building strategies. I am here to help you feel good about life, the journey and your path back to happy. That’s my philosophy. My story was dark, I dealt with many years of tough emotional pain but something inside of my heart always bounced back believing in more. Even though the struggle was real, my belief in something else I could never quite articulate was even stronger. Now I know what was bringing me hope…. my heart. She knew to keep going. I’m not saying it was easy, but I am saying I made it through to the other side. I am here as proof life can improve. Besides Life Coaching, I offer Journals as a highlight for healing. I have journaled since I was a kid and we now know that writing our thoughts can speed up the process of understanding ourselves and therefore, the healing process can begin.
Bright energy from the heart involves closeness, attraction, trust, passion, movement, love and forgiveness. In these states we are open to move forward knowing ourselves better, staying healthy and engaging optimistically with others. Dark energy from the heart feels like fear, anger, hate, frustration, shame and guilt. In this realm we are in a state of avoidance to understand ourselves or others and usually create coping skills such as addictions to refrain from understanding truths.
You are not alone, everyone has variances of these feelings. The goal of Life Coaching is to honor the past, recognize the last five minutes of your journey and also include a good attitude to accept that right now can be the first moment you know yourself differently for the first time. Right now you can choose to let go, forgive, learn something different, try another way. You will always be ready, you just have to allow your mind and heart to agree.
Sign up for a session with me or start a journal with one of my books, either way have a great day. The following information is for you to try from where ever you are at right now.
Journaling from the Heart
Journal Intelligence Strategy : Information Gathering
- Find a quiet spot or add favorite music
- Free flow, brainstorm, allow thoughts without judgement for 2 to 5 minutes.
- Become more intentional about expressing what’s in your heart. What do you really want?
- Fall in love with you, write with you subdominant hand, have an attitude of gratitude.
- write a quote or lyric make you sparkle.
- Name two mentor types that motivate you and why, how are they leading you back to your power?
- Draw your imagination and inventions
- What success are you proud of
- Who do you need to reconnect with?
- The accuracy of truth you write will help you align with yourself faster.
By getting in touch with the messages swirling in our minds, we become less afraid of the next experience because we now know what we are looking for.
Journaling Goals
Get on track:
a) Decide on one desirable goal that has enough pull forward for you to want to achieve it within the next 4 weeks.
b) Write the start date in your phone calendar and journal
c) Two strong reasons why you want this?
d) Write 3 reasons why this is exciting enough to get your heart racing.
e) Bullet point 3 strong solutions around one obstacle that might interfere on reaching your goal
f) You will reach your goal by what date?______fill in the blank and put it in your phone calendar
Whatever you decide, keep going unless you find you’re on the wrong track, if so, reorient but stay honest with your truths.
Self discipline brings on the rewards. If you fail, that’s normal, refocus and keep moving…and remember:
One month from now, you will be at another level. By implementing these questions you will form new habits of empowerment that will span all activities, which will enable you to achieve much more in life.
Remember, by showing up for yourself differently using a journal, hiring a life coach, researching and implementing brand new habits… is all of benefit to you. You can fight it, ignore it, procrastinate it but ultimately your life is waiting for your courage to show up and meet the challenges. Discomfort with change is normal, choose to m o t i v a t e yourself anyway and good luck.
This life coach wishes you Happiness!
Shanon Dawn
L o v e is everywhere.
Join me as I capture photos of H e a r t s
from a synergism of luck + magic.

What People Are Saying
“Shanon’s compassion, insight, dedication, and care was instrumental in assisting me throughout the most challenging periods of my life. I highly recommend Shanon as a Life Coach.”
~ Geoff